Monday, July 28, 2008

Quick Hits: Cubs, Reds, Red Sox

-The Cubs, feeling that they are in the enviable position of having enough pitching, especially with the impressive showing of young Jeff Samardzija, are offering up LH Scott Eyre.
-The Reds have decided not to trade Bronson Arroyo. Only the Yankees and Rockies expressed any real interest anyway. Apparently, the $24 million owed to him through 2010 was a sticking point. The Reds would have had to eat part of it to make a trade happen.
-The Red Sox are interested in Astros SS Miguel Tejada and have had preliminary discussions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eli, im sam. im a huge cubs fan from chicago. theres not really much i can do about this problem but you seem to know many people maybe you can help. first of all why would the cubs offer scott eyre when left handed pitching is hard enough to come by. but anyways my problem is why the hell is bob howry still on the cubs roster. the guy has nothing but a fast ball! we cant have him on the team blowing leads this late in the season. something needs to be done about that guy!