Free agent pitcher Sidney Ponson struggled to find his groove last season for the Twins, but is looking to comeback in 2008. Several teams came to look at him but the most interested appear to be the Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Mariners, and Astros. Ponson was 2-6 with a 6.93 ERA with the Twins last season, and he really has not been himself since 2003. He is 82-101 with a 4.93 in his career, but has played with four different teams since 2005. To be honest, I am sort of surprised that the Giants have place a call yet. They lost Noah Lowry yesterday for an extended amount of time and really do not have anyone to replace him. Having seen Ponson pitch, I would think he would be best off in Seattle or Arizona. Both stadiums will have solid run support, both have pretty good bullpens, and he would do well in the bottom half of their rotation. Especially in Seattle, where the stadium definitely benefits the pitcher. "I'm here to rock and roll," Ponson said afterward. "My mind is clear. My arm is good. I'm working hard. I'm in pretty good shape. I'm pretty happy with the way I threw today."
Between the few twinkling moments of brilliance he has had in his career, Sidney Pondscum, as he is still referred to in Baltimore, is nothing more than a bum, who should have just stayed home on the beach in Aruba.
He has never been a winner, and never will. By wasting whatever amount of money they are spending on him, it shows the degree of desperation that is now within the Twins organization in the wake of their off-season personnel losses.
Sidney Ponson can pitch, it's up to a team to give him a chance to demonstrate.
With a good team, he can win at the big league level, he won with Baltimore during the bad years of Baltimore, just imagine now with his head on straight and back in shape!
Type of fans like you should just shut up! Stop insulting people you don't know!
The Giants have been burned by this bum before. They would NEVER sign him regardless how much they needed pitching help.
Where would the Mariners put him? Their rotation is set, of course the injury factor comes in to play, and the team already has a few arms ready for a long relief spot. I agree that he would be a good fit for the reasons mentioned, but they just don't really have the room right now.
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