Tigers after Cordero?: According to the Washington Post, the Tigers may have interest in closer Chad Cordero. However, Cordero is likely heading to the DL, making this deal unlikely.
Jose Canseco is lying up a storm: Jose Canseco continues to hype up his latest book with more allegations against Alex Rodriguez. He was right the first time, but I doubt he is right the second time. He just keeps coming up with new stuff.
Phils Helms designated for assignment: The Phillies decided to keep Tim Lahey on their roster, and designated Wes Helms for assignment. This makes room for Rudy Seanez. However, Lahey isn't off the hook yet. He might lose his spot when Lidge comes back. I suspect the Dodgers will pick up Helms as soon as he is available.
Crisp likely heading to Chicago?: According to the Boston Globe, both Chicago teams are showing interest in Crisp. However, I have heard that the Cubs are no longer interested after landing Reed Johnson. The White Sox could use him, but have nothing to really offer.
Alou comes clean about Bartman: Moises Alou came clean yesterday when he told reporters that he would not have caught the ball that change Cubs history forever.
Bye, bye Pedro: Pedro Martinez is likely heading to the DL, again.
Great Going Moises! You make a guy feel like crap for years. Why don't you have a public apology to the man?
Pretty much everybody knows that the "Bartman incident" didn't have squat to do with the Cubs loss, anyway. Poor pitching, poor fielding, and nonexistant hitting is what sunk the Cubs that year. Sort of looks like THIS year so far!
Canseco is right Rodriguez is a juicer. Heard this long before the book was due to come out from sources close to Canseco. Unfortunately the pariah has already been cast in Bonds. So long as A-Rod is the face of baseball this will never come to pass as 'truth'. The great irony being that once A-Rod breaks the homerun record and goes down as the greatest offensive player ever, there will be celebrations and praise and it will look nothing like it did when Bonds broke the record, though it should. We'll see the media collectively suck A-Rod off because they refused to believe the only guy that was willing to talk about steroids with any candor what-so-ever.
Wes Helms could help a club looking for a vet. bench guy, the Yankees, Redsox, Braves, Dodgers and any other contender could use him. He is productive and versitle.
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