The Cubs recent splurge of money may continue, but not with once top prospect Mark Prior on it. Prior is once again eligible for arbitration and might look to make around three million dollars, despite not pitching once this season. They can non-tender him, making him a free agent and ending their ties with him, and they might do that to open up some money. Yes, three million seems like nothing today, but Mark Prior is nothing today and is showing no signs of making a strong comeback. The Cubs have several guys on the verge of making it to the majors, including Kevin Hart, Donnie Veal, Jeff
Samardjiza, Mark
Holliman, and Jose
Ceda. Obviously, not all of them will be solid pitchers but you can count on at least one or two of them breaking the rotation. The Padres are looking to improve their rotation and would definitely take a chance on Mark Prior, but he would have to sign at a reduced price with a lot of incentives. Personally, I think the Cubs will avoid arbitration with Prior and then shop him, eating all but his entire salary to acquire a solid prospect.
I think it is time to let go of Prior. He has shown no progress in his rehab. Is he at the playoffs with his teammates?
Kerry Wood on the other hand I'd keep as a reliever. He has the heart and has improved as the season has gone on.
UD progress being made??? I wonder why that is, could it be because Prior was just recently cleared to begin throwing less than 3 weeks ago?? Considering a comeback from shoulder surgery takes a minimum of 4-6 months before a pitcher can even think about throwing.....Prior's a month ahead of schedule at 5.
Kevin Hart, Donnie Veal, Mark Holliman and Jose Ceda?? Don't make me laugh.......Ceda, Veal and Hart have neither the control, stamina nor secondary pitches to be anything more than bullpen fodder and Holliman is nothing more than a minor league 5th starter.
Think about it, the Cubs have had every opportunity to get rid of Prior during the season, and for some crazy reason, they decided to keep him around. The Cubs are retarded but not so much so that they aren't going to see if Prior can return to being the pitcher he can be when he's healthy.
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